
De Pardieu is one of France’s leading law firms in competition, merger control and distribution law. Its professional excellence is regularly recognized by professional rankings.

We advise and represent our clients in a wide range of cases: merger control, competition investigations, cartel cases, abuse of dominant positions, State aids, distribution, restrictive practices and follow-on actions.

Our team represents clients across a variety of economic sectors, including retail, automotive, press, e-commerce, Internet, energy, transport, banking and insurance, agri-food, media, real estate, textiles, cosmetics, pharmaceutical laboratories and electrical equipment.

We regularly represent our clients before the competent courts (Commercial Courts, Cour d’Appel de Paris, criminal courts or the Parquet (Public Prosecutor’s Office)) or national competition authorities (Autorité de la Concurrence, DGCCRF), as well as before the European bodies responsible for competition law (European Commission, Tribunal and Court of Justice of the European Union).

Depending on the specificities of the case, we are assisted by the most renowned economists and, for cross-border transactions, by a network of leading foreign correspondents, enabling us to ensure centralized and seamless coordination of proceedings with the various authorities concerned.

Foreign subsidies

Our team has developed a specific expertise advising on the application of the new European foreign subsidies regulation by the European Commission.

Competition (anti-competitive practices, Cartels, Abuse of dominant position)

Highly recognized expertise in both advisory and litigation matters involving anti-competitive practices before national authorities and courts (Competition Authority, Paris Court of Appeal, criminal courts and Public Prosecutor’s office) and European courts (European Commission, Court of First Instance and Court of Justice of the European Union).

Defending our clients’ interests before the competent prosecuting authorities or courts

Distribution – Restrictive practices

Defending our clients’ interests before the competent prosecuting authorities or courts for any type of restrictive practices.

Competition investigations

Our team is involved in all types of investigations into anti-competitive practices, initiated by the European Commission, the Competition Authority, the DGCCRF or the criminal courts, and handles the related litigation.

State aids

Our team regularly advises on State aid notifications to the European Commission, particularly in the energy sector, and has a specific expertise in the new instruments offered by European law in this field (IPCEI aids schemes, etc.).

Private enforcement

Our team has extensive expertise in follow-on actions (initiated following a conviction for anti-competitive practices) before the relevant courts. The team advises its clients on their follow-on actions, both as plaintiffs and as defendants.

Merger Control

Our team represents its clients in the context of national, European or multi-jurisdictional merger control proceedings. The team intervenes from the feasibility study to the drafting of notification files and the negotiation of commitments, or to the initiation of an in-depth review for the most complex cases, as well as in litigation related to the challenge of a merger clearance decision before the competent jurisdictions.

Our practice extends to all types of sectors, including those where the public authorities have a strong presence, either directly or through a regulatory authority, as in the energy, audiovisual, telecommunications, transport, postal distribution or healthcare sectors.

For cross-border transactions, our team relies on a network of leading foreign correspondents, permitting to ensure centralized and seamless coordination of proceedings with the various competition authorities concerned.

Latest rankings and awards

Legal 500 EMEA 2024 – EU, Competition and distribution (Tier 1) – Top tier firm rankings

“Certainly one of the best teams on the market.”

“Year after year, the De Pardieu competition team confirms its position of excellence on the Parisian market. Remarkable ability to handle difficult cases in both merger control and antitrust litigation…”

Chambers Europe 2024 : Competition/European Law (Band 2)

“De Pardieu Brocas Maffei have a very smart and operational approach, with good knowledge of the functioning of authorities.”

ODA 2023 – M&A supérieurs à 200 M€ (****)

ODA 2023 – LBO de 50 à 300 millions d’euros (****)

LE POINT 2024 – Commercial, business and competition law (*****)

Décideurs 2023 – Concurrence & Distribution : Contrôle des concentrations (Incontournable)

Décideurs 2023 – Concurrence & Distribution : Antitrust (Incontournable)

Décideurs 2023 – Concurrence & Distribution : Déréglementation & Secteurs régulés (Incontournable)

Décideurs 2023 – Concurrence & Distribution : Droit de la distribution (Excellent)

Décideurs 2023 – Concurrence & Distribution : Aides d’Etat (Excellent)

Specialist lawyers
